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Basic Touch Course

Basic touch is a course for Medical Students that want to get in touch with surgery and laparoscopy.

It is the initial step to begin the Firstouch Academy's Minimally invasive Surgery Program.

The objectives of the Basic Touch Course are:

- initial contact with the First Trainer and laparoscopic instruments

- learn and practice fundamental skills and gestures of laparoscopic surgery

- adquire skills and learn laparoscopic suture

Would you like to participate?

We organize 2 or 3 editions of the BASIC TOUCH Course yearly, in collaboration with:

- Congresso Português de Simulação - SPSIM -

- Congresso Nacional do Interno de Formação Geral - MedStart/CNIFG -

among other events that we may collaborate with.

To know more and register please go to, create your account (free of charge) and register on the course (a fee may apply).

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Mario Rui Gonçalves, MD, FEBS AWS, FACS 🇵🇹


Fellow of the European Board of Surgery

Fellow of the American of Surgeons

Hospital de Braga, EPE

Braga, Portugal

FTacademy General Director

Basic, First, Second, Hernia, Robotic and Advanced Touch Coordinator

Braga Surgical Week Coordinator

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António Oliveira, MD 🇵🇹


Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Hospital de Vila Real

Vila Real, Portugal

FTacademy Scientific Director

First and Colorectal Touch Coordinator

Braga Surgical Week President

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Pedro Garcia​, MD 🇵🇹

CUF TEJO and Academia CUF Director

Lisboa, Portugal

FTacademy Staff

Trainer Touch Coordinator

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José Novo de Matos, MD 🇵🇹


Hospital de São José

Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central
Lisboa, Portugal

FTacademy Scientific Director

Basic, First and Advanced Touch Coordinator

Braga Surgical Week President

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Ricardo Marinho, MD 🇵🇹


Centro Hospitalar de Leiria

Hospital de Leiria

Leiria, Portugal

FTacademy Scientific Director

First and Biliary Touch Coordinator

Braga Surgical Week Coordinator


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